Spotify Now FREE for All to Listen on Any Mobile Device

Just a few minutes ago at a press event in Manhattan, the popular music streaming music app service that is Spotify announced a new ad-supported offering that will let you listen to music for free on the iPad and Android tablets. 

The way it will work is that it is quite similar to the existing current free service that already exists on desktop users.

What’s fantastic is that we’ve really become synonymous with the idea that access has become the leading model to enjoy music,” Daniel Ek, Spotify’s founder stated. Spotify is from today rolling out and additional 20 markets, furthermore they are the first and only service to offer this service in markets around the world.  

It was presented and stated they Spotify is "reawakening people's love for music" Where Spotify's very clear mission is getting more people to access more music on more platforms than anyone could have imagined a few years ago. There's a renewed sense of vitality to the art-form, because more listeners means more money for the industry, again stated by Daniel Ek, Spotify’s founder a few minutes ago.

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