Skype Improves Functionality on User Experience Chat Syncing History

For frequent users of Skype the user experience on a smartphone and desktop are not always the same, particularly when following up on past chat messages as there was no functionality to be able to sync chat history between the two technology platforms.  As a result, users always felt this shortcoming was quite inconvenient, where chat messaging was not syncing between different devices and desktops despite being the same application logs.  

Another working inconvenience for mobile users experience is that if a user has many contacts it can take quite a long time updating previous alerts and old chat messages to appear at the point where the user last logged in into the software application platform. Furthermore, it may take quite many minutes even before the application becomes operational from the latest updated content and communications, of which depending when a user last logged in all the history has to occur in a repetitive manner and in some cases the date and history log does not show the correct dates and times.

With this mind, the Skype team today announced on its Sky blog a plan to improve the user experience by integrating the innovation of history chat messaging status to sync across devices, users will start to the improved results in the next few months. A detailed summary was published on the architecture changes and new releases.

Microsoft has invested heavily into its Skype platform which includes a new backend architecture and added new features. The new features include web-based Skype support to and launched improved push notifications for Windows Phone 8. Furthermore, it is utilising Skype functionality on its Lync communications suite for business.

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