Google Plus Custom URLs Now Available All Active Users
Google just announced custom URLs for its users.
Google starting notifying its users of google plus platform, of the much awaited custom feature that is custom URLs for profiling personal profiles and google plus pages.
Nevertheless some users may not see the option available on their Google+ profile or Google+ Page yet, as the roll-out is being expanding throughout the next few days.
Custom URLs also known as vanity URLs work by a user having a link as, where users can change the current long string of numbers as seen on their profile web link for something that is customizable like a memorable word, current profile or page name, which makes it much easier to share with friends as well as marketing and visibility.
Provided a user your profile meets the following criteria, Google+ now allows you to claim a custom URL:
- Has a profile photo, and
- Has at least 10 followers, and
- Has an account that’s at least 30 days old.
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