Google Plus Now Includes High Resolution Tools for Photos

Google Plus
Google+ now has new high resolution tools for photo publishers. The new tools have a pan and zoom functionality that is capable to zoom in into small detailed sections within high-resolution uploaded photographs.

It then follows, that in a context where Google plus is gaining more popularity from users, including trendy artists such as professional photographers then this new functionality will please most of the visual content providers. Furthermore, it seems that Pinterest does have a market for visual art, as a result Google plus is trying to offer and interest its users with extra capabilities. 

The way it works on Google plus, is that when users have photos to upload they simply click upload and select to whom the photos are visible on their circles including public availability. After which, then published photos can be commented, shared and engaged by a social circle of people.

Below is the comment of Dave Cohen following the statement concerning the new functionality:

Google+ is full of amazing photos, and today we’re introducing the ability to pan and zoom when viewing photos from your desktop. To give these features a try, simply open a large photo in the lightbox, then:
- use your mouse wheel to zoom in or out- click and drag to pan right, left, up or down
Higher resolution photos will offer more to explore, so we’re excited to launch pan and zoom just weeks after launching full-size backups of your Android photos
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