How To Create A Business Page on Pinterest

It is now possible to have a Business page on Pinterest, this our page Pinterest YODspica which is now a business page. In this post, we provide a short guide for anyone that wishes to have their own business page:

Firstly, Pinterest users need to verify their sites, in order to do this, it is required to go the Account Settings and then select “Verify”. Then the process is quite similar to many verification processes currently used by many sites, where users have to download an HTML file and subsequently upload the downloaded file to the root folder of your hosting space of your website. After completing this initial step, then users will be able to see a red tick next to verified web address on the Pinterest dashboard.
Pinterest Business Page Convert
Finally, to have a business page a user simply needs to navigate to the new Pinterest Business site and click on “Convert your existing account”. It then follows, then a user simply has to complete a short form by selecting the most appropriate category for your business.

Further to this conversion, Pinterest Business site has provided examples including Pinterest best practices page.

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