Facebook Users To Send Real Alcohol to Friends as Gifts

Facebook is expanding its social activities capabilities, as a result will soon permit users to send each other real alcohol as gifts. This new development may fit into the company's strategy to become more profitable via marketing and e-commerce enhancements thus becoming less of a virtual social perception, and more business lead resembling to real world expectations and engagement. In this context, users in the UK are already allowed to gamble real money. The announcement was Thursday.

Users will have the possibility to send bottles of wine via the gifts Facebook new feature. The first two winemakers and Facebook partners are Robert Mondavi Winery and Chandon.  

The way it works, is for each transaction, a third-party service must verify that both buyer and seller are legally compliant including the location of the users, before the transaction takes place. 
Further to this new development, other new partners for the gifts Facebook feature now include Brookstone, Baby Gap, Fab, ProFlowers and L’Occitane

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