Ask a Question Now to an Expert Online at Quora

Quora’s users that use a mobile device is growing on popularity and engagement. In order to cater for this growing user demand Quora has now released an innovation on its site, where users can see online status of recommended experts for users to ask questions with a high expectancy of fast answers. With this new feature, Quora can really offer its users an excellent fast service, where users can benefit with excellent answers on their questions for most topics such as shopping, medical advice or cooking.

Normally, Quora suggests people that may be able answer questions based on tags that a users adds when adding their questions. With this new development, it will be possible now to see who is “online now or available” as a result provided the user is logged in into the website or have its app running, the answers can be provided quite quickly.  

This new feature will really make Quora more attractive for real-time use, thus quite capable to compete with other platforms such as twitter in terms of networking response times.

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