Robotics Development, the New Technology Business Gold Mine?
Following on the technology used on the Curiosity mission to Mars, there is a present trend where robots are currently quite popular tools in terms of helping the advancement of science and mankind, particularly its features such as the robotic arm.
Furthermore, it seems that businesses such as PCH International are preparing to present a Kickstarter fund where Grishin Robotics is in the frame. This trend follows on millions in funding directed at robotics development back in 2011.
In this context, as iRobot has made perception of robots quite appealing, thus Willow Garage facilitates new businesses and initiatives such as Open Perception, Redwood Robotics and Robots for Humanity. Examples of this trend to invest in robotics include Henry Thorne of 4Moms, Primesense’s, VirtuOz , Alderbaran-Robotics and OpenRov. Others include Tech Socially Intelligent, Intuitive Automota and Peter Thiel Fellow.
It can be concluded that robotics can only grow in popularity and acceptability, as well as helping the development of businesses and their consumer applications.