Ptch Share Styled Videos with Music of Your Life

A new mobile application called Ptch available on iPhones and iPads, is trying to catch and follow on the Instagram success, however in this case it works on adding video styles for creative results and then making it available for social sharing.  The way this application works is that users can upload or take photos combined with video clips which can include music background into a single ready video clip of a one-minute maximum duration.

As a social media app, it has all the sharing capabilities you would expect, which includes sharing and "reptch". The app was only launched back in July, with the description to capture users experiences in real-time, and also let friends mix in media of their own experiences.

Whether it’s your brother getting married or what you are having for lunch today, Ptch enables people to be great storytellers of their lives by sharing moments as they happen,” Ed Leonard, CEO of Ptch, source Mashable.

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