Loopcam Mobile App Animates your Media turning GIFs, New Version

Animated GIFs are popular across the internet, due to their animation properties and ability to combine photos into a single viewing file. There are many creative results, the most popular being used is on comedy animations or life accidental events taken from a mobile phone. Another characteristics include replaying key scenes to infinitum, of which the advertising marketing companies have taken advantage very well into their solutions. Furthermore, recently its popularity and technology was used on Olympics 2012 for reliving the best moments such as stuck landings even including this diving funny video.

As a result, there are many mobile apps that are able to create GIFs, however Loopcam was one of the first. We have noted the new updated version of the app, thus why we are writing this post, as the app appears to attempting to become the next Instagram by implementing new features such as login with Facebook or Twitter.

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