Hello Late Labs, to Recruit Software Programmers in Return for Equity

An interesting new company called Late Labs offers software programmers opportunities to participate in projects which can be outside their main working activities, to collaborate and contribute to projects where they can earn equity for startup businesses. For futher information, it can be read on the company website a published a summary on mission page.

This new interesting site, can be a great a opportunity for many developers looking to expand and have new challenges, where a list of projects can be found here. The way is works for developers, is that when a registration is completed they are given specific coding tasks, it then follows that as a result, the completed tasks count as equity in the selected project.  Furthermore, interested developers with work to be submitted can do so on the GitHub.

The founder Justin Elof Johnson stated: “It’s not like a 99 designs for coding,”. It is however, inspired on  social ideation, nevertheless in this site the site emphasis is on the recruitment of coders, as opposed to Ahhha where it crowdsources a product development process.

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