Google Plus Introduces Custom Vanity URLs for Brands and People

Google is improving Google+ once again, but this time to the much awaited tool "Custom URLs" on people profiles and pages, so that it makes easy to share and find personal and business profiles with a chosen custom url . Current examples can be seen on hugobossdavidbeckham, or even hughjackman.

The way a custom URL works is by replacing long link address bar strings by a short version that is customised to a name chosen by the person of the page owner. Another example is the +TOYOTA where this short custom url +toyota is being used for particular solutions in mind.

Nevertheless, currently Google has stated that only a small selection of verified profiles and pages have this facility at present. So, following this announcement we can only deduce this new tool will be available to all, within a few weeks. Feel Free to add your comments to this post, thank you.

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