Facebook Announces Non-Social Mobile Ads Framework to Spam Users

The way Facebook mobile ads typically operate is based on a event handler started by a user or its friend’s activity. However, today Facebook has begun testing on its mobile platform a new non-social ad unit, this new innovation allows app developers to purchase news feed ads that will re-direct users to Android or iOS App Store where they have the ability to purchase special interest pages following a user click on an advertisement.  

This new software mechanism provided by Facebook, goes towards helping Facebook app developers to have better return on their investments and thus sustain and grow their businesses. The way the new ad unit works is on a ad cost per click, but not on a cost per install-based.  Nevertheless we understand that Facebook is working on a solution to permit developers installs driven by their app ads, and the developers can sign-up with this mind, for the current private beta.

This new development by Facebook, is quite going a step forward in their social principles particularly in their much loved user experience free engagement.  As this new software system allows for developers to tweak mobile news feed with their own ads. It follows that this may be another step by Facebook to try and appease its investors and show the markets that it can generate greater revenue by offering innovative solutions driven by investors aspirations for greater prospective returns. This is quite a sensitive development for Facebook users, as they will soon see    promotions shown on their selected news stream and it may scare them or appear as spam. Furthermore it could rearrange organic content displays, and as result take Facebook mobile users to give up and not use Facebook mobile as often.

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