eBay Now, Purchases Now Available On Same Day Shipping

Today eBay has selected eBay users based in San Francisco users to test a new innovation. This innovation is based on a downloadable mobile app that allows eBay users to purchase items with a same-day shipping service. The mobile app and service is named eBay Now.

At the moment, there is an iOS app where eBay users based in San Francisco can test and purchase items on the go, which normally costs an additional $5 for this service, however it is only currently available from local San Francisco eBay stores. Any eBay users can sign up for the beta version, where as soon as it becomes available to other locations and other mobile platforms, then later the registered users will have a notification from eBay.

It appears that eBay is looking to offer its users the same experiences, as seen on new tech start-ups such as  TaskRabbit, Postmates, and Uber.

Currently, the mobile iOS app only works for San Francisco users who make purchases over $25, however beta registered testers can receive $15 off from their first eBay Now order, furthermore  with free shipping.  Here users can register for eBay Now

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