Best Free Tutorials For New Adobe Photoshop CS6

The new version of adobe photoshop CS6 has new features which can produce great results, particularly if you are a digital designer. Nevertheless, many people are not advanced users of photoshop or are familiar with the capabilities of the new CS6. In this post we have collected the best free tutorials which anyone can try, if you have the CS6.

"Awesome oil painting effect by turning your photography into nice piece of art, adding a suitable Frame will add more beauty to the photo which you are going to convert into oil painting."

"Unlike the blur options in previous versions of Photoshop, the Blur Gallery filters are designed specifically to produce a selective focus effect. The Blur Gallery is comprised of three filters; Field Blur, Iris Blur and Tilt-Shift. In addition there are a separate set of Blur Effects that let you create specular highlights mimicking the circular bokeh effect produced by lenses."

"Eye Catching Energy Drink Advertisement."

"Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop."

"Photoshop CS6 is packed with new features and effects that you can use in your work. In this tutorial we will utilize Photoshop’s new 3D capabilities as well as its new content aware features to create a Micro Machines inspired composition."

"Steel text effect using layer styles in Photoshop"

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